Your network's diversity determines its effectiveness. The more diverse your network, the more valuable it is.


While people differ from each other in numerous ways, we can think of broadly three kinds of diversity:

1⃣ Demographic diversity (gender, race, sexual orientation, etc)
2⃣ Experiential diversity (abilities, affiliations, etc), and
3⃣ Cognitive diversity (thinking style, problem-solving approach, etc)

The more diverse your network, the more useful it is in exposing you to new ideas, new opportunities, and new people.
A network comprising people with different kinds of diversity is a better sounding board.
A diverse network can help you learn how to influence people who are not like you.
Network diversity does not just benefit individuals.
There are studies that show how the diversity of a CEO's network impacts the performance of an organisation.
CEOs with more diverse networks appear to have a significant positive impact on the financial performance of the firm.

When evaluating your network, don’t just focus on size, also consider how diverse it is.

Make network diversity a metric, and a goal. 

Build diverse networks deliberately.

Narayan Kamath

I'm an Executive Coach, Leadership Mentor and Career Success Strategist to mid-career professionals. I believe Leadership is about creating Impact. I help leaders multiply their impact by working more effectively with and through others.

Narayan Kamath

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