Lead Like A Coach

Lead Like a Coach (LLaC) is a cohort based email course that will change how you lead,

You will create empowered individuals and high performing teams that help you amplify your leadership impact, enjoy greater career success and feel more fulfilled at your job.

All the learning is via brief (~250 word) email lessons, so there are no online sessions to attend or lengthy videos to watch.

However, since this is a cohort based course, you are expected to keep pace with the other participants.

Why Lead Like a Coach?

A coaching style of leadership empowers every person to deliver at their very best.

Besides maximizing performance, it helps:

  • develop trust
  • create psychological safety
  • promote mindsets that support growth, change and innovation
  • enhance employee engagement, and
  • develop individual and team capacities

Also, by adopting a coaching style, you allow people to find their own voice, chart their own course, live their own values and fulfill their unique potential

What’s in it for you?

Moving from a directive to a coaching style allows you to:

  • do less micromanaging
  • focus more on your unique contribution
  • maintain work/life balance
  • reduce stress and improve well-being
  • become a leader that people want to follow

Needless to say, all this helps you multiply your leadership impact, and translates to bigger/better career opportunities, and greater fulfilment at work.

What makes me qualified to lead this course?

I am a Leadership Coach, with internationally recognised credentials (ICF PCC) and over 1700 hours of professional coaching experience.

I have worked with over 250 executives, senior leaders, and business owners on multiplying their leadership impact by working better with and through others. I have also trained over 2000 mid to senior level leaders on critical people leadership skills including coaching, delegating, giving and receiving feedback, building trust, managing conflict, having difficult conversations, among others.

Also, I have over 25 years of experience in the corporate world, where I held a variety of functional and general management roles, leading large and geographically dispersed teams. So my experience includes leading multicultural, multi-generational and multi-locational teams - so I know this stuff works.

How the Course Works

The course starts on January 2, 2023 and ends on 31 January 2023.

Every weekday morning, participants will receive a short (~250 words) email with one actionable insight/tip every morning around 7 AM (IST). This allows you time to try out your tip at work and see the difference immediately.

You will also have access to a private forum where you can ask questions, share insights, discuss your experience, and deepen your learning. 

Every Saturday, I will consolidate and respond to the most common or highly relevant questions by email.

Every Sunday, you will receive a set of prompts to reflect on and consolidate your learning during the prior week.

At the end of the course, I will lead a live Integration Session, where you will learn how to maintain momentum beyond the course, and continue to practice and improve your coaching and leadership skills

How to Enrol

You can enrol by signing up here:

Since this is a cohort based course, registration will end on Friday 30 December 2022.

How much does this cost?

Since this is a pilot, participants will pay a deeply discounted fee of ₹370/-

Given the low fee, and to ensure only those who are serious enroll, refunds will not be offered unless the program is cancelled by me due to circumstances beyond my control.